A truly MADE IN ITALY company

TREEMME shoe factory was established in 1979 in Montebelluna, near Treviso, where it is still based nowadays.

Founded by Lino Merlo, TREEMME - often a pioneer with its own ideas - considers the Made In Italy concept as its core asset. The company designs and manufactures top quality Trekking, safety, cold resistant footwear and much more.

A REAL Made In Italy.
This is precisely TREEMME's philosophy, which has always been committed to keeping the whole production process at the factory of Montebelluna in order to offer the highest quality while monitoring every single item produced. Therefore, we can personally meet all customer's requirements while handling ordinary work issues, and especially we can directly test our prototypes.

We take care of our customers, and our mission is meeting their needs by first providing good advice and then finding together the most suitable solution.
Quality and customer satisfaction have always been our primary targets.
TREEMME always strives to improve its products and services.
That's why our Brand and footwear are recognized and appreciated worldwide.

about us photo

Our qualities03

Modern products manufactured through our long-standing, ever-improving expertise

Skilled staff




Environmental respect

International customers

Certified products 04

Calzaturificio TREEMME holds a wide range of certifications, which guarantee quality and safety over time for its customers.


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E' Online il nu [...]

E' online il nuovo catalogo generale 2024! vai sulla sezione Prodotti/Catalogo oppure clicca QUI

TREEMME su ARB [...]

Nell'ultima edizione di ARB CLimber magazine troverete la gamma dettagliata degli scarponi [...]

Nuovo catalogo [...]

Nella sezione "prodotti" è disponibile il nuovo catalogo generale!

TREEMME & Natur [...]

TREEMME sigla la collaborazione con il team di fotografi di Nature Details, un team di quattro giova [...]

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